The houses at Eclipse include 12 “bungalow” houses (including four that were moved), one shotgun building (also moved) and the original company store.
These buildings have wood frame construction and are brick piers, with narrow horizontal wood siding and slate-covered gable roofs. All the bungalow houses are one-story dwellings with central entrances which are flanked by double-hung one over one under windows. The windows are through out the house are all the same and there is a modest front porch attached to each building.
The inside of the houses vary but generally have 4 rooms; a bathroom, one or two bedrooms and a kitchen which opens up into the living room.
These houses were all built in the first decade of the 20th century between 1900 and 1902 to accommodate the workers at the mine.
The renovations on the houses of Eclipse started in 1997 and progressed slowly for many years to finally get to what is there today.